Saturday, December 12, 2015


Speedwriting is simple fast paced typing game with a twist - reading is not always easy. Read and write letters you see as quickly as possible anyway. The game can be played on newgrounds or on Github.

All my games can be found Games & Stuff page.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Testing Grunt Plugin From Grunt

Writing tests for grunt plugin turned out to be less straightforward then expected. I needed to run multiple task configurations and wanted to invoke them all by typing grunt test in main directory.

Grunt normally exits after first task failure. That makes it impossible to store multiple failure scenarios inside the main project gruntfile. Running them from there would require the --force option, but grunt then ignores all warnings which is not optimal.

Cleaner solution is to have a bunch of gruntfiles in separate directory and invoke them all from the main project gruntfile. This post explains how to do that.